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Nadine's Story

Nadine Taylor

"I want to provide women the support I didn't have when navigating this trauma" 

Nadine Taylor is the CEO and founder of Hope + Heal Retreats which she established in 2018. She is an advocate, nurse, domestic violence survivor and inspirational keynote speaker. 

A serious attack in 2010 almost took her life and left her with permanent injuries still embodied today. She thought that once she had left the relationship she would be free from fear but a whole new nightmare began.


After years of psychological and physical abuse her diagnosis of PTSD and constant state of anxiety and fear still plagued her. As a struggling single mum, working full time, she was in survival mode, overwhelmed, isolated and still reacting to life experience.


Then one day a door opened to a meditation group and after a few sessions of inner exploration, she started to feel significant modifications in her response to the chaos around her. The window of accessibility opened more and more and she started to attend meditation retreats, yoga, art therapy, and women circles.


Learning about trauma and how it affects the body, allowed her to recognise symptoms and triggers. This was empowering in so many ways.


The power of the practices she was exposed to empowered her ability to respond to triggers and rewire her body mind to allow for constant transformation. Her intuition was awoken and practical strategies were now her guidance. 


Her realisations exposed the very force of pain, became the fuel in which birthed Hope + Heal.

Speaking events

As a domestic violence advocate and public speaker I have made many contributions to the safety, justice and wellbeing of women and their children, including :


  • Presenting to Federal Circuit Court and Family Court judicial audiences at the request of the National Judicial College of Australia under their Family Violence in the Court Training on ‘the experience of the complainant’;


  • Organising vigils in Sydney’s Central Business District, to honour the lives of women and their children who have been killed by domestic homicide in Sydney’s Central Business District, in partnership with DVNSW, Women’s Safety org and several other agencies;


  • Lobbying the Department of Health to improve human resource policies in relation to staff who are experiencing domestic and family violence;


  • Representing survivors' lived experience, and trauma-responsive solutions through policy and law reform submissions to improve processes and outcomes for women and their children impacted by domestic and family violence; 

  • Delivering healing workshops for women who are recovering from domestic and family violence through her own organisation - Hope and Heal.


Hope and Heal is a collective of women who are offering tools and strategies to empower and heal.

Through their professional qualifications and lived experience, the Hope and Heal team unite for a common purpose : healing hearts to support women to thrive.

If you would like Nadine to speak at an event, please get in contact here:

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